The story of Dreamweaver and Poet

Upcoming text is a scene between two gods some time after end of the main events that started 3rd era, reading books from the Grand Archive.

Mordred: (turning pages, looking for next story) I wonder just when I will quit reading these stories of random mortals to you.
Esmeralda: Never, why would you ever give up such a pleasant moment with me, dear?
Mordred: I used to give up on anything, simply because I couldn't understand what I should do. 
Esmeralda: (clings to him) You are doing well, don't worry.
Mordred: (sighs and kisses her forehead) very well, I better not worry that much.
Mordred: (stops at a certain page) I think I found a good story. People in there are still alive actually. Shall I start?
Esmeralda: (nods with a smile and eyes filled with sparkling night sky)
Mordred: (begins to slowly run his index finger over text)
the touched text begins to glow in luminescent azure blue, the glow then formed a weave, creating silhouettes of two humanoids
Mordred: This story is about two people who fell in love with one another at the wrong time. One was a young sheepfolk lady, who is a dreamweaver, the other-
Esmeralda: (interrupts Mordred) Who are dreamweavers again?
Mordred: They are acolytes who worship you. They specialize in seeing the future in their dreams. Not only that, they can also create dreams for others. Does it ring a bell?
Esmeralda: (flustered, unable to look him directly into eyes) sorry, not a single clue.
Mordred: Don’t worry Darling, It’s nothing important anyway. Thankfully they do not require your assistance most of the time.
Esmeralda: (is no longer feeling that much uneasy, turns back to him and gazes at the silhouettes, she’s excited to hear of it)
Mordred: (continues reading aloud) So, the Other person was a young sheepfolk guy. He is a poet. For the matter of fact these two souls have never seen each other in person, yet they felt like there was someone out there, meant to complete them. Both of them went through alot of struggle, mostly alone. The dreamweaver never really had friends for long, for they became disgusted by their future she had seen in her dreams. The poet on other hand rarely had any chance to befriend people. They had seen him as an easy to pick on victim of people's charades. One night, the dreamweaver had a dream. She had seen this poet, holding her heart safe and sound. His worries and scars of the past were fading away, he saw peace in her eyes while she felt he would never leave her. The dreamweaver knew nothing about this person, yet she knew just enough to seek him out. One night, she decided to weave a dream to him, a dream of exactly what she saw. The poet was charmed, bewitched by the feelings when he saw and held her. But something worried him. Even if this dream has been weaved by a dreamweaver, he couldn’t believe it to be true. He couldn’t see himself being happy and not played as a tool.
Esmeralda: That’s so sweet, but also so sad. the guy shouldn’t worry this much!
Mordred: He surely shouldn’t, but he isn’t responsible for the experience he went through. Experience which made him doubtful and without motivation. Even us, gods, are often seen as perfect and stable, yet our emotions are probably just a little less fragile than theirs.
Esmeralda: You are right. (sighs and continues listening to him, a concern was of how it goes clouds her mind)
Mordred: (continues running his finger over text) After that night, the dreamweaver began weaving the same dream to him each night, but with a slight difference - She weaved the name and place of where she lives into his dream. She was hoping that he would one day decide to travel there and meet her. The poet felt even more unsure of what to do. His poems were heavily influenced by the troubling emotions he was experiencing. For the time being he decided to not believe this dream, even though it occured each night, it didn’t bring him any delight. It felt both pleasant and horrifying everytime he went through it.
Esmeralda: But what about my poor dreamweaver? What did she go through during that time?
Mordred: (chuckles) So eager to know more, don’t you? Well for the dreamweaver, her feelings were growing stronger every time she weaved his dream and has been thinking of him. The thought that he might be already on his way to her made her feel butterflies in her stomach. She was aware it would take time, so she was patient and faithful. She even stayed in this town longer than she planned. Dreamweavers usually aimlessly travel a lot. Days have passed. Weeks have passed. Months have passed. It was some time after 3 months when a thought struck her mind that he is not coming. After then, such thoughts began to occur more and more frequently, though she still had faith he would come, there were nights when she forgot or simply didn’t feel like weaving a dream to him. After half a year, she crumbled along with her faith. She knew that the future she originally saw with him might be true, but she no longer saw it as a fact, but a possibility that didn’t happen. At the time, the poet felt quite relieved that the dreams had finally stopped. He felt like he could finally focus on himself and not be swayed by such bittersweet dreams. As months passed, he began to write quality poems like he used to. His life gained more stability than ever before. He even found himself a good, reliable friends who are passionate about poetry just like him. But something was bothering him, as if something was missing. He was seeking that answer with his friends, who were, based on the contents of their poems, far wiser in his eyes than he was. Together they brought him to an understanding. He realized that he didn’t like the dreams he had seen for he didn’t believe he could truly both make the dreamweaver and himself happy. He did not deem himself worthy of her love until now. Not only did he accept her feelings and the future that he may have with her, he also accepted the same feelings he shares with her. The very same day he packed his things and began his journey to the said place where she lived. During the journey he had nothing but her on his mind. It took him a few months until he had reached it. He searched the whole town, only to find out that half a year ago she left the town and decided to continue spreading her wisdom and helping others as the dreamweaver. The poet didn't give up and decided to travel the world in search of her. This time he was willing to not give up his feelings, even though he still travels up to this day, looking for her.
Esmeralda: (seems to be troubled with her head down) They will eventually find themselves, I will make sure of it!
Modred: (scratches his head, he doesn't seem to like that idea) but if you were to interfere, there is a risk that their fate may never fulfill itself. When gods interact with mortals, their future is very likely to change, remember?
Esmeralda: But how will they meet?
Mordred: (thinks for a moment in silence) I think you should know if I told you their names. Their names are Ellaine and Barkley.
Esmeralda: (her eyes gaze into vast cosmos) I…see them now. Both of them are now devoted followers of my religion. They will meet eachother, right?!
Mordred: Slow down Dear, you are the goddess of future, not me.
Esmeralda: (it took her a moment to realize she lost her head there for a moment, after which she laughed nervously, taking her more time to let out something comprehensible) They will meet sooner or later for sure.
